Light Therapy

Photobiomodulation (PBM):

A developing technology with broad application in health care

PBM is the application of light for biologic effect.  Monochrome light in the red or infrared wavelength (630-950 nm) has been shown to have effects that are applicable in oral medicine.  PBM has no known toxicity or side effects. It is non-heating and non-cutting. PBM is applied 2-3 times per week for 3-4 weeks to assess effect.    

PBM in the red/infrared range is:

Analgesic (pain relieving)


Wound healing

Due to these effects, there are multiple potential applications in oral medicine.

Robust evidence of effect of PBM in prevention and treatment of inflammatory mouth sores in cancer therapy (mucositis) has led to recommendations for use.  Studies have shown value in other inflammatory mouth conditions including graft versus host disease following bone marrow (stem cell) transplant.

Red light may have application in accelerating healing following surgery and in healing of persisting mouth sores, and bone damage (necrosis).

There is clear evidence of effect in muscle/joint pain including treatment for temporomandibular disorders (TMJ, TMD) and developing evidence of effect in management of nerve pain (neuropathy). Additional indications include burning mouth symptoms, taste change, dry mouth, and post-treatment fibrosis and swelling (lymphedema).

We offer PBM for these conditions in addition to use of appropriate medications for best outcomes