Scheduling Appointments

Scheduling Appointments

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Epstein please visit the contact page or view the offices on the right and contact the office nearest to you.

Dr. Epstein can see patients with oral conditions including:

A. Oral Mucosal Diseases

  • Screening for Pre-cancerous changes in mouth, early detection of possibly cancerous lesions, prevention of cancer
  • benign growths
  • mucosal disorders
    • red and white lesions
    • blistering and ulcerating conditions
    • canker sores
    • infection and autoimmune conditions (including lichen planus)
    • bleeding/bruising in the mouth
  • oral complications of cancer treatment
  • bad breath
  • Early signs of cancer: a sore in the mouth that does not heal, a white or red patch on the tongue or buccal mucosa (inner cheeks) and gums


Treatment may include topical (surface) treatments and systemic medicines (drugs in tablet or capsule form taken orally) when needed. Biopsies may be taken for diagnosis of various oral conditions and if necessary, to rule out cancer. Viral and bacterial cultures are taken when needed. Recommendations and prevention of dental disease or oral infections due to dry mouth are prescribed.

B. Oral Sensory Disturbances

  • taste changes (metallic taste in mouth, no taste, altered taste)
  • smell changes
  • strange sensations in mouth (eg. thick or lumpy saliva)
  • dry mouth & salivary gland dysfunctions
  • burning mouth syndrome
    • Burning mouth often affects the tongue, palate, and/or lips. BMS patients often have multiple oral complaints including burning, dryness and altered taste, which may subside with eating
  • neuropathic pain (nerve damage), including trigeminal neuralgia (damage to the trigeminal nerve)


Management of chronic mouth pain is directed at providing relief of the symptoms. It includes diagnosis and frequently employs the prescription of appropriate medications. Treatment is similar to that used for other neuropathic pain conditions.

C. Oro-facial Pain & Movement Disorders

  • oral pain
  • facial pain
  • mucosal pain
  • TMJ pain, TM joint sounds and limited jaw movement
  • headache related to oral/facial pain
  • movement disorders

Pain is commonly associated with cancer and its treatment. Multi-disciplinary pain management provides the best management in complex conditions.

D. Saliva Changes

  • Saliva loss, dry mouth
  • Thick saliva